This is My Story

Jeanette T.
United States
Well, you asked for the face of hyperhidrosis. This is the face of hyperhidrosis and the body. I have a very rare version. I wouldn't say it's very rare. It's just not common with females. I inherited it from my father. I was in a research study and I can sweat rolling in the snow. I sweat everywhere on my body with the exception of my hands, my feet, and my armpits barely sweat. So, you know, people are constantly asking me, are you okay? Cause they're thinking I'm having a heart attack. Well, no, this is me on a normal basis. I'm a nurse. And when I introduce myself to a new person, a new patient or resident, I have to tell them, by the way, this normal for me, I sweat all the time and I tell them the story that I can roll in the snow and sweat because...I can. I've had this since I was a teenager as far back as I can remember, really. It's just gotten worse. The older I get the worse it gets. I was just outside for 15 minutes and here's the sweat. This is just the beginning of the sweat. My face will be drenched. And if I sit outside for more than 15, 20 minutes, I will be not only burned, but completely drenched. My arms right now are drenched. My legs have sweat on them as well, but again, my hands are dry. My armpits are dry. My feet, dry. So again, you wanted the face of hyperhidrosis, that's it. My name's Jen, I'm a nurse and I have hyperhidrosis.