This is My Story

Abla H.
United States
I’ve had hyperhidrosis ever since I was young. While I was taking tests in school or doing any type of writing the paper would get soaked in sweat and I’d be so embarrassed to turn it in. As I got older and needed to shake peoples hands I would tell them I’m not feeling well and avoid shaking their hand. When I did shake someone’s hand I watched the other person wipe their hand on their pants after they shook my hand. Whenever I had a significant other I would avoid holding their hand resulting in arguments every time. I was too embarrassed to tell them about my hyperhidrosis. I’m also in the medical field so putting on gloves is the most complicated and embarrassing task I could do in front of a patient. Also while trying to take a patients blood pressure, the blood pressure cuff would get soaked in sweat and it’s extremely embarrassing. I’ve suffered with it for so long and have been using Dermadry in hopes that it will solve my problem.