This is My Story

United States
I have had hyperhidrosis for a decade starting in sixth grade. While I have tried Botox and oral medication to relieve the sweating, it only helps somewhat. I would say I have moderate to severe hyperhidrosis. In times when I am even relaxed, my hands will sweat so profusely, it may be hard to drive or walk when my feet get so sweaty. This has affected me both mentally and emotionally. I work in a communications profession. I love speaking and communicating to others, but when shaking hands or presenting, one would assume I am terrified. I am only terrified of people figuring out how sweaty my hands are. I have been severely embarrassed and been made fun of. I have to strategically find ways why my hands or feet may be wet, I have to wear specific shoes and I avoid going to places to get my nails or feet done because I fear the nail technicians would judge me. I have suffered for so long, and I now am confident enough to share my story with others who also experience the same issues I experience.