This is My Story

Throughout my life, I have been suffering with hyperhidrosis. I did not realize then that it was even considered a clinical condition. Living in a tropical country makes it difficult to move around with this condition because it gives me a hard time to walk around with flip flops because of my sweaty feet. If I wear shoes, the socks will get soiled and will end up smelly once I remove them. The embarrassment it gives me is something that I have faced back in my country, the Philippines. But when I moved to Dubai, I was not prepared for what was waiting for me there. I am a keen runner and running outdoors is one of my favorite forms of exercise. That picture was taken on a humid day of August 12, 2016. During this period, between June to September, the weather in the Middle east could reach up to 50 degrees Celsius (basically an outdoor sauna). The sweat is simply dripping off of my shorts and down to my shoes making it impossible to even walk, let alone run. Because of this, every time I run or walk, I would leave a wet foot print from my soaking wet shoes. This is more than embarrassing, its uncomfortable and humiliating.