This is My Story

Dyenkaye S.
My hyperhidrosis started when I was in elementary school until college. It has always been hard for me to do some stuff such as shaking other people's hands, holding some things such as my phone or paper because of the non-stop sweating of my hands. I'm also struggling to write during exams because my paper always gets wet cause of my excessive sweating in my hands. I can't leave the house without bringing a handkerchief or towel. When I was in college I studied in a physical education major where almost everyday we did some physical activity such as playing different sports. One time I noticed that my hyperhidrosis got worse and I almost lost my confidence because my friends were always asking me what happened to my hands, "it's like waterfalls" they said. Before I graduated college, I joined a giveaway hosted by Dermadry and luckily I won. I'm very happy because finally my hyperhidrosis was treated. I'm very happy that Dermadry changed my life when I started using it. Now, I'm free to do some stuff and not struggle because of excessive sweating, I'm happy that I gained my confidence back again.