This is My Story

United States
I first knew I had a sweating problem back when I was a young teen at around 14-15 years old. I would tend to sweat a lot just by making any move. Back then, I did not really consider it a problem or even a solvable problem, but I knew that this kind of sweating was not normal. Once I turned 18, before going into college I decided to consider the things that made me uncomfortable with myself and my body. One of them being the amount of sweat that would burst out of my pores the second after leaving my house on a sunny day, or just by walking up a some stairs. I soon became aware that sweating so much was what led me to be so self conscious about myself. Avoiding going out with friends and family just to not sweat and embarrassed myself. Although I have always been a very active person, it annoyed me a lot that I would instantly sweat through whatever I was wearing at a family reunion or meeting some friends. It was not until I turned 20 that I told my sister about how uncomfortable this made me feel, and to my surprise she decided to help me and went with me to meet the dermatologist who told me I had hyperhidrosis and medicated me some pills that would calm the sweating. Since this meeting I have seen a major change in my life as well as in my self awareness allowing me to feel more comfortable in my own skin, freeing myself from my own judgement.