This is My Story

Isabel C.
I have had sweaty hands and feet all my life. My dad told me he used to have it in his youth and that it would stop once I reached adulthood, but unfortunately this never happened for me. I come from Singapore and because of the humidity there, I was always sweaty. I think my sweating is mainly caused by anxiety, and when it is hot. I remember during school exams, I would tear through the writing paper because the paper got too wet from my sweat, and embarrassingly I had to ask for more paper to write on. Once when I was on the bus, a man told me to keep away from him because he saw all my sweat from my hands on the grabrails. This made me very upset but I try not to let other people’s comments bring me down. Because they don’t understand what people with hyperhidrosis have to endure. Now that I live in Adelaide it is better. I don’t sweat as often, only when I exercise or it’s extremely hot, like in summer. I also started pole dancing last year and discovered that there are other people like me! It’s nice to meet other people who have hyperhidrosis, so that I don’t feel like I am the only person with this condition.